Star Wars Battle Of Endor Game Modes

When you reach the chessboard, destroy everything that is on it and build a crate of the rubble. Push it towards the handle to the left. Download Lagu Nasyid Terbaru Unicoi on this page. Now as Wicket use the nearby tunnel and use the lever.

Go down the screen and stand on the buttons. When all your characters are in place, the elevator will go down. Build a turnstile on the right and use it to enable Wicket to enter the tunnel. When he's up, stand on the button. The passage is open. Go right and cross the river. Shoot the mechanism between the two wooden gates.


Star Wars Battle of Endor Game Through 2 of 2. Oculus VR screen capture - 'Star Wars: The Battle Of Endor' by James. Restricted Mode. This is a game by Bruno R. He's a good man. The second part is on air. Mar 24, 2017 - Star Wars The Battle of Endor is a free PC game where players assume the role of an X-Wing pilot. Fight against TIE Fighters, Star Destroyers and. In addition to The Battle for Endor, there are a few mods available that have converted the game to the Star Trek universe. Star Trek The Invasion of Cardassia.

Fix a panel and use it as 3PO. Use the catapult - destroy the gate and shoot AT-ST. Take over the walker and go forth to deal with all the enemies.

When the battle is over use AT-ST to reach the button in the right side of the clearing - that will let some other character use the lever. Build the grapple point and use the hook twice to reach the bunker's roof. Destroy the devices there and complete a track for the crate. Push the crate down and use its remains to construct a panel for R2. Also, build a footbridge for the droid from the planks nearby. Enter the bunker.

Go back to the previous room and this time go right. Use R2's panel and use the elevator. Build a little bridge out of the bricks there and as 3PO use another panel. Pull the lever and the third lock will be disabled. Go to the left end of the upper platform and as R2 hover across even further, along the glass wall. Use the panel and form a tunnel for Wicket of the loose bricks. Use it to get to the other side, where you'll find the control lever for the last lock.

Get back to the central room and enter the power supply room to build 4 bombs in there.