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The default male (left) and female (right) Shepards, as presented on Mass Effect 3 's cover First appearance (2007) (male) (female) Commander Shepard is the in game trilogy:,, and. A veteran soldier of the Systems Alliance Navy military and N7-graduate of the Interplanetary Combatives Training (ICT) program, and the first human Citadel Council Spectre, Shepard works to stop the Reapers, a sentient synthetic-machine race dedicated to wiping out all organic life. Shepard's gender,, first name and facial appearance are chosen and customised by the player. Provides the voice for male Shepards, while voices females. Since the player can choose the gender of Shepard, much of the dialogue revolving around the character is gender-neutral with only a few exceptions. Was the source of the character's name.

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Shepard's armor developed over the series, and was originally intended to be red-and-white. Though both genders were given equal importance during development, marketing felt there was a need for a single identifiable hero for promotion of the game. Various merchandise has been made, including several figurines. Shepard has appeared in cameo appearances in other games and is mentioned in, though they will not be appearing in any future Mass Effect titles. The character was named after, the second person and first American to travel to space. Developers wanted to at least give Shepard a last name so that other characters could address them.

The developers wanted a name that was both 'all-American' and common, which led them to start looking at the original seven astronauts. Was chosen due to fitting with the idea of 'their' Shepard, being tough and respected, and fitting in with the character being the first human Spectre – Alan Shepard being the first American in space. During the development of the first game, the female Shepard was given equal importance as the male counterpart; unique lines were written for her as well as a unique romance option. In fact, the early model for animation tests featured a female Shepard. Instagram Followers Mod Apk Download here.