Matlab Program For Uniform Quantization Encoding Definition

– Sample Matlab codes • Binary encoding – Bit rate of digital signals • Advantage of digital representation ©Yao Wang, 2006 EE3414. Uniform Quantization. Y = uencode (u,n) quantizes the. Uencode maps the floating-point input value to an integer value determined by the requirement for 2 n levels of quantization. This encoding adheres to the definition for uniform encoding specified in ITU-T Recommendation G.701. Let`s Explore The Jungle With Buzzy. The input range [-v,v] is divided into 2 n evenly spaced intervals. Input entries.

Uniform Quantization In Matlab - With crystal clarity, this book conveys the most current principles in digital image processing, providing both the background theory and the practical applications to various industries, such as digital cinema, video compression, and streaming media.This book contains tons of useful features, including:*. Digital Image Processing with Application to Digital Cinema.

• Quantizes the value using the same precision • Encodes the quantized floating-point value to an integer value In the first step, the block quantizes an input value to one of 2 B uniformly spaced levels in the range [- V, (1-2 1- B) V], where you specify B in the Bits parameter and you specify V in the Peak parameter. The quantization process rounds both positive and negative inputs downward to the nearest quantization level, with the exception of those that fall exactly on a quantization boundary. The real and imaginary components of complex inputs are quantized independently. The number of bits, B, can be any integer value between 2 and 32, inclusive. Inputs greater than (1-2 1- B) V or less than - V saturate at those respective values.

The real and imaginary components of complex inputs saturate independently. In the second step, the quantized floating-point value is uniquely mapped (encoded) to one of 2 B integer values. When the Output type is set to Unsigned integer, the smallest quantized floating-point value, - V, is mapped to the integer 0, and the largest quantized floating-point value, (1-2 1- B) V, is mapped to the integer 2 B-1. Intermediate quantized floating-point values are linearly (uniformly) mapped to the intermediate integers in the range [0, 2 B-1]. For efficiency, the block automatically selects an unsigned output data type ( uint8, uint16, or uint32) with the minimum number of bits equal to or greater than B.

When the Output type is set to Signed integer, the smallest quantized floating-point value, - V, is mapped to the integer -2 B-1, and the largest quantized floating-point value, (1-2 1- B) V, is mapped to the integer 2 B-1-1. Intermediate quantized floating-point values are linearly mapped to the intermediate integers in the range [-2 B-1, 2 B-1-1]. The block automatically selects a signed output data type ( int8, int16, or int32) with the minimum number of bits equal to or greater than B. Inputs can be real or complex, double or single precision. The output data types that the block uses are shown in the table below. Note that most of the DSP System Toolbox™ blocks accept only double-precision inputs. Use the Simulink ® Data Type Conversion block to convert integer data types to double precision. How To Transfer File Using Putty Serial Connection.

See (Simulink) for a complete discussion of data types, as well as a list of Simulink blocks capable of reduced-precision operations. Peak The largest input amplitude to be encoded, V. Real or imaginary input values greater than (1-2 1- B) V or less than - V saturate (independently for complex inputs) at those limits.

Bits Specify the number of bits, B, needed to represent the integer output. The number of levels at which the block quantizes the floating-point input is 2 B.

Output type The data type of the block's output, Unsigned integer or Signed integer. Unsigned outputs are uint8, uint16, or uint32, while signed outputs are int8, int16, or int32.