How To Install Bginfo Using Group Policy
I want information about how can we deploy bginfo.exe. To all hosts of a network or a single computer through Group Policy. Deploying BGInfo(Sysinternals). May 8, 2017 - So for those of you who have never worked with BGInfo before it is a free product that Microsoft bought a few years back to help identify servers that you are logged into by modifying the desktop image with a customizable file that can pull system info. It can be downloaded from Technet here.
Prepare the Background Wallpaper to apply via BgInfo You need to: • Download BgInfo: • Run BgInfo. Download Game Billiard Offline Gratis Untuk Pci. exe, prepare the fields to display and then save your template in a.bgi file Remark: It is important that the location of output bitmap for BigInfo is a folder on which the user has Read / Write access. If this is not true, the bitmap wallpaper would not be generated.
To change the location of the output bitmap, click on Bitmap >Location. By default, User’s temporary files directory option is used – You can keep it as it is if you do not want to choose another location. Prepare a Logon Script to run BgInfo: You can use the following script to run BgInfo: reg add HKU.DEFAULT Software Sysinternals BGInfo /v EulaAccepted /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f Server Share Bginfo.exe Server Share template.bgi /TIMER:00 /nolicprompt is a shared folder on which you have the following files: • Bginfo.exe • Template.bgi: This is the BgInfo template your saved in the previous step These commands can be saved in a.bat file. Apply BgInfo logon script using a Group Policy: To apply BgInfo logon script using a Group Policy, proceed like the following: • Create a new GPO then go to User Configuration >Policies >Windows Settings >Scripts (Logon/Logoff) and then double-click on Logon • Select your BgInfo logon script and then click on OK After that, you need to link your Group Policy to the Organizational Unit containing the administrative accounts on which it will be applied.