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Managed aquifer recharge (MAR) is the purposeful recharge of an aquifer for later recovery or environmental benefits and represents a valuable method for sustainable water resources management. Models can be helpful tools for the assessment of MAR systems. This review encompasses a survey and an analysis of case studies which apply flow and transport models to evaluate MAR. The observed modeling objectives include the planning or optimization of MAR schemes as well as the identification and quantification of geochemical processes during injection, storage and recovery. The water recovery efficiency and the impact of the injected water on the ambient groundwater are further objectives investigated in the reviewed studies. These objectives are mainly solved by using groundwater flow models.
Unsaturated flow models, solute transport models, reactive geochemical models as well as water balance models are also frequently applied and often coupled. Download Song Of Mana Pyaar Kiya Ha. As each planning step to setup a new MAR facility requires cost and time investment, modeling is used to minimize hazard risks and assess possible constraints of the system such as low recovery efficiency, clogging and geochemical processes. The rising water demand worldwide, caused by climate change, urbanization and population growth, poses increasing stress on groundwater as a resource [,].
Especially in arid or semi-arid regions the natural recharge is often not enough to meet the local water demand leading to over-exploitation of the groundwater resource and as a consequence to decreasing water tables and increasing salinization []. The storage of water in surface reservoirs is widespread but it has several disadvantages such as high evaporation losses, high land area requirements, sediment accumulation, the possibility of structural failure and high vulnerability to contamination [,,]. An alternative to surface storage is storing excess water underground during periods of low demand or high availability to use it later in times of shortages [,,].
How To Download And Install Asphalt 8 On Windows 7. In contrast to other recharge types such as natural or incidental recharge, managed aquifer recharge (MAR) is the intentional recharge of water into aquifers for future recovery or environmental benefits [,]. Incidental or unintentional recharge implies recharging the aquifer coincidentally by undertaking activities not directly designed to enhance recharge such as excess irrigation or leakage from water systems [,]. The main objective of MAR is to increase groundwater storage to overcome the temporal imbalance between local water demand and availability thus securing drinking or irrigation water supply at any time of the year [,].
Other objectives include the reduction of saltwater intrusion in coastal aquifers, prevention of land subsidence, improvement of the source water quality through Soil Aquifer Treatment (SAT) and avoidance of direct potable reuse of treated wastewater by an underground passage [,]. Water sources include surface water from rivers or lakes, stormwater runoff and reclaimed water [,,]. Before this water is recharged to an aquifer a pretreatment might be necessary depending on the source water quality, the contaminant attenuation through the soil passage, the native groundwater quality and the intended use of the recovered water. Subject to the local conditions, a wide range of MAR methods can be used to recharge an aquifer []. Rgb To Ral Converter Free. Usually five main MAR techniques are distinguished: well, shaft and borehole recharge; spreading methods; induced bank filtration; in-channel modifications; and rainwater and runoff harvesting [,] (). Recharge by well, shaft and borehole includes MAR methods that recharge directly into the aquifer which is often overlain by low permeability surface structures [].