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Personally, I find theocracy distasteful, but to describe Shari'a as stupid extremist ideology is absurd. From what I have read of it, much is a fairly reasonable social code. Hardly any worse than what prevailed through most of Europe's history.

Are you frickin kidding? Sharia law IS stupid extremist ideology. That's the only way to describe it. Maybe you should read some more. No, better yet, go live in a country that has it. When you get 99 lashes for expressing your religious beliefs, we'll see how 'reasonable' you think it is.

Why are you talking about europe's history and comparing it with sharia law today? Yes it was bad, but we're in the 21st century now and europe has changed quite a bit, and for good reason.

Countries with sharia law are barbaric and seem to be intent on staying in the 15th century. This comment you just made just discredited anything you say on these forums, as a matter of fact, it's going into my signature to replace citizenzen's nazi comment. EDIT: In addition to that, you have some damn nerve arguing with me over capital punishment, saying how horrible it is, and then referring to sharia law is reasonable social code.

Seriously, get your priorities straight. Hypocrisy at its finest. • Mapa+srbije+i+crne+gore. There are no print ads. Thus its extremely difficult to accuse someone of bait and switch.

Sites like macrumors and slickdeals are doing all of TJ Maxx's advertising for them. Yes some marketing guy at TJ gets a few coworkers to go to the local Apple store (Or maybe Walmart) and they buy 100 iPads and sell them at a $10,000 loss. They get more advertizing that way them paying $10K to an ad company. This gimmick is dirt cheap, cheaper then just one newspaper ad. • mapa srbije i crne gore.

Crne exam prep guide 5th; crne exam prep guide 5th. Jun 16, 12:33 PM. Both Notes and GroupWise have better Mac support than Microsoft offers through Entourage. And for free. None of the three (Lotus Notes, Novell GroupWise, or Microsoft Exchange/Outlook/Entourage) offers the same level of support for the Mac as they do with Windows. The clients are always more limited and often buggy.

But Entourage is the least capable and most expensive mail/collaboration program by far. I'm all for the new Notes client, and I wish Lotus nothing but success. • mapa srbije i crne gore. Jan 31, 06:17 AM.

That ghey ifone is causing all this hold up. That doesn't make it acceptable to torture him (or anyone else) - you can't win a war against terrorists by becoming a terrorist. Where would you draw the line and how do you determine that the line is in the 'correct' place?