Pink Floyd Patch Kurzweil Reader

Hi, I was hoping someone could provide me with the synth sounds used by Pink Floyd, in particular the live Pulse versions of tunes. Carti Audio In Limba Romana Free Download. Not looking for guitar sounds, our lead player has those down. I'm just looking to complete the sound of Pink Floyd when we play these tunes.

In later shows Rick Wright did it all with a Kurzweil K2000, which sounded pretty nice as well; but still combined with a real hammond organ. Unless the members of Pink Floyd traveled into the future to acquire them, which might not be that far-fetched.:lol: The only thing we. Kurzweil Zone Kurzweil release the. Patch that simulates Pink Floyd's 'On The Run' synth patch. Versions available for the K2000, K2000VP/K2VX and K2500. Aug 09, 2004 I'm pretty sure we've got at least one forumite on here who uses a Kurzweil in a Pink Floyd tribute. Zoning & all patch changing.

Boss Me80 Pink Floyd PatchLarge Pink Floyd Patch

Of course, I'd be willing to pay for this. I just don't have the time right now to search through all the different sounds available and learn how to manipulate them to get what I want.

I have Komplete 8. I am very new to all this electronic stuff so I need a little help. I had hoped to find similar sounds and ended up acquiring a plug-in from a 3rd party vendor Bolder Sounds for SOYCD, my most desired goal. It is a crystal wine glass sample. According to David Gilmour, they layered crystal wine glasses with the synths in the original recording. The plug-in has lots of potential and is beautiful.

Eventually, I acquired Omnisphere which had everything in synth form. I think the basic style of synths included in Komplete are geared towards Dubstep, Electronica, Dance music and unsuitable for what Floyd was doing. Floyd eventually switched to Kuzweil 2600 boards and sampled their older analog synths. Omnisphere has samples from many legacy components used by Floyd. If suitable sounds exist in any Komplete component I did not find them.

I had worked at perfecting a lead synth for SOYCD and WTTM using Absynth but many Absynth patches have an inherent clicking anomaly that turned me off to it completely. You may track down the Absynth/clicks topic here and there online and ways to eliminate or reduce it but the fact that the presets were not cleaned up before being sold is inexcusable to me.

(sorry to get off topic with a complaint). I am using a nice layer for Shine On in Kore along with Pro53 patch for the solo. Run Like Hell is mostly B4II with the drive cranked for certain spots. The nice thing is, once you have a foundation of patches, you can build presets and performances with relevant sounds. DM me your email address and we can proceed from there. Russ --- Feel free to check out some samples on ReverbNation at Some of the audio is wonky as it is a room mic and a rehearsal. I don't have the video or the audio from our big show yet.