My Little Pony Story Of The Blanks Video
Story of the Blanks is a short creepypasta fangame created in Adobe Flash. It was created for a game developing contest at Equestria Gaming ( ) The game is constrained to use genuine NES graphics and graphical limitations (down to the very 8 sprites per line limitation). Most if not all the music in the game was created by various people using famitracker (a NES/famicon tracker). The excellent music was made by CRTified Technician Zero V2 DarkNES You rock, woohoo! MLP:FiM is copyright by Hasbro.
My Little Pony - Story of the Blanks TheNSCL - Reviewer 3, 30, 300. Unsubscribe from TheNSCL - Reviewer 3, 30, 300? Cancel Unsubscribe. Subscribe Subscribed Unsubscribe 12K. Want to watch this again later? Sign in to add this video to a playlist. Inside the Numbers: Hasbro’s Q4 and 2017 Earnings. No matter what you thought of the My Little Pony movie, Hasbro has been satisfied with the revenues. Play the role of some little pony in this FiM: Story of the Blanks adventure flash game. The full length name of this game is actually called My Little Pony. Soundtrack, original, my, little, pony, MLP, friendship, is, magic, FiM, story, of, the, blanks, blank. FiM - Story Of The Blanks OST - Please Stay With Us.
This is a fangame made by a fan. It is not endorsed by, or in any way connected with Hasbro. The simple graphics design hid a very shallow story with next to no suspense or any form of horror that would be considered horrifying to anyone above the age of 6. Working on what you have? Try lengthening the game a bit and add some form of actual suspense.
Running from. What are they.
Zombie Ponies? That's not going to create a sense of horror or suspense.
You also seemed to have implemented a type of mini-quest function, finding the crank and the red gem, but you could have taken this further and made them seem larger, gave them more impact. Something along the lines of having to find the key to the door to leave the house, or finding new paths and alternate ways outside of the path you came into because it's blocked now? Experiment a bit. Play other games and find what feels good to you, and implement it in your newer games (should you still be making them) Helpful! Flag as abusive.
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• 2: Nothing too new or interesting. Enterprise Architect 9 Keygen Download Mac more. • 2: Nothing too new or interesting.
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• 3: Not bad. In fact I like it! • 3: Not bad.