Lyon And Healy Serial Numbers
Lyon & Healy is an American harp manufacturer based in Chicago, Illinois.Their Chicago headquarters and manufacturing facility contains a showroom and concert hall.George W. Lyon and Patrick J. Healy began the company in 1864 as a sheet music shop. Part 3: Lyon & Healy 'Continuous Conical Bore', 'Couturier Model' and 'Makers' Instruments Part 4: Holton instruments with Lyon & Healy serial numbers, likely made in LaPorte Additionally, we would be grateful to anyone who owns a Couturier-related horn not listed to also contact us with the name, type, cities, patents and serial number. A Guide to Dating Couturier-related Instruments. And finally the sale to Lyon and Healy with 'Couturier Model' and later. The serial numbers have also been.
I am trying to find more information on the saxophone that i have had in my family for years and years. I know for sure it is a lyon healy stencil but i'm not sure who the original maker of it is. I was told Buescher made most of their stencils but i haven't found exactly what mine looks like on other sites yet. The neck has a small curve in it but is straight and it doesn't have the fin on it. The body has the fin on the bottom of the bell. This is a poor picture of what i own.
Apr 16, 2000 Marijo Clogston's purchase of antique Lyon & Healy Harps Inc concert harp via eBay has led her to research 1890's harp. Software Serial Esp8266 At Commands. The serial number is on the.
It has a lyon healy engraving on the bell that is a very simple floralish pattern. The serial number is 12909 which i also could not find any information on. If anyone could help me find a year on this or how much it might be worth i would be greatful. I had no idea where to put this lol. I know its old. We found it in my great grandmothers basement and before that it had belonged to a long deceased relative of mine. Its in decent condition.
Some tarnish and needs new pads. But it plays beautifully. It could use a new mouthpiece too. As i dont know how old this one is. I've cleaned it but its kind of.
Gross in some parts. Ya that's just how mouthpieces get, especially when they are old.
My old CONN mouthpiece i first started out with is a dark brown/green nowadays, but still plays well for beginners. Lyon & Healy produced their own horns for a while, with a mix of identifiable features, this one typically has a Martin style bow fin (not Buescher.) and a Conn 'mercedes' low C guard. Can maybe make out bevelled toneholes Need pictures of the bell engraving, and other details - as milandro commented - does it by any chance say 'LaPorte' anywhere on the engraving?
The link below is to a C-Melody (not alto like yours), but note the Martin'ish bow fin and bevelled toneholes, but Conn low-C cage and neck brace. And has been mentioned before by Grumps, Buescher/Martin/Conn serial number lists do not apply to stencils manufactured by those companies, so you cannot date the sax with those. Another interesting webpage link below about Lyon & Healy, with further links on that web-page - there is other ongoing L&H research taking place, it's become a bit of a cult, and of particular interest to me as I have both L&H C-Melody and C-Soprano saxes. So klhanson, a few more pics please, especially of the bell engraving and tone-hole closeups. The first one was fine, just need more details if you want proper identification, and sadly a couple of hundred dollars might well be all it's worth - if it's a LaPorte Couturier, a collector may pay more (may. David Icke Hijos De Matrix Pdf Gratis here. ).
Sad, because the build quality (and sound) of the L&H's I've owned and played far exceeded their achievable market value and that state will probably continue. The tone holes are not straight they are a little angled at the top. The serial number has a A on the top then 12909 in the middle and then a L on the bottom. I will get a few more pictures, one of the engraving especially here shortly. It doesn't say la porte on it anywhere that i can find. All it says is Lyon healy in fancy script with -inf under that.
And then it says american professional chicago in regular script on it. The engraving itself is just a floral looking thing with the words inside a 'Frame'.