Jquery Sortable Multiple Lists Serialize Jquery

So I'm working on various Rails solutions using jQuery and Interface. The way Rails/Prototype handles sortables is as follows: You have a series of id's in a list: item_2, item_4, item_1, item_3, etc.

Jquery Sortable Multiple Lists Serialize Jquery

JQuery sortable allows me to drag one box at a time which from a user perspective is undesirable. Select and Drag Multiple List Items (jQuery ui sortable) 4. Search jQuery. If i change the 'toArray' to 'serialize', it works as expected. Re: Nested lists / sortable tree plugin. I want to use the jQuery UI sortable function to allow users to. JQuery UI Sortable, then write order into a. Var data = $(this). Vbs Delete All Files In A Folder And Subfolders Imap. sortable('serialize').

Prototype serializes as: item[]=2&item[]=4&item[]=1&item=3 etc. Rails converts the serialized form into params[:item] = ['2','4','1','3'.]; in other words, a usable array. This makes it really easy to convert the array into a list of positions for the database.