Install Deb Package On Arch Linux Packages

A script to convert.deb packages to Arch Linux packages, focused on accuracy. Do not use it to convert packages that already exist on official repositories or can be. How To List All Installed Packages In Linux. (Arch Linux Package. DPKG stands for Debian Package is a tool to install, build, remove and manage Debian.

Debian Install Deb Package

There are a couple of ways to install. At Our Bodoni Regular Free there. DEB files graphically in Linux. One of the most popular ones is GDEBI. It automatically installs dependencies, too! You can install gdebi using the Terminal or any other utility such as Synaptic Package Manager. Don't forget to install Gdebi core as well. So if this has helped in any way, please leave a like, comment down below and subscribe! ► APT-GET Alternatives FOR OTHER LINUX DISTROS: - ► Rig Details (In case you're wondering): -CPU: Intel Core i5-6600k -CPU Cooler: Corsair H100i Liquid Cooler -GPU: EVGA Nvidia GTX 970 SSC -RAM: 16GB DDR4 Crucial Ballistix Sport -Motherboard: ASUS Z170‑A -Case: Fractal Design Define S.

I wrote this script in my free time to help people who, for any reason, want to convert a.deb to an Arch Linux package. It works in a similar way with alien (which converts.deb packages to.rpm packages and vice versa), but, unlike alien, it is focused on accuracy of conversion, trying to translate Debian/Ubuntu packages names to the correct Arch Linux packages names and store them in the dependencies fields of the.PKGINFO metadata in the final package. In other words, it won't only create an Arch package with the data of the original.deb package, but also it will try to create a valid and as accurate as possible.PKGINFO metadata file in the converted package. It uses pkgfile and pacman utilities to achieve this accuracy. The final package can be installed like any local Arch Linux package.

Debtap is now available on AUR! FAQ Q: What 'debtap' stands for?

A: DEB To Arch (Linux) Package Q: Isn't better to download an official package or write a PKGBUILD in case I need to compile a package or convert a.deb package to an Arch Linux package? A: Sure it is, and I truely encourage you to do so. Debtap was written to create packages that either cannot be compiled (closed source packages) or cannot be built from AUR for various reasons (error during compiling or unavailable files), as a quick 'n' dirty solution and an extra option for creating Arch Linux packages for Arch Linux users.