Ib Pyp Lesson Plan Template

IB PYP Math Lesson Plan Template. Explore Math Lesson Plans, Lesson Plan Templates, and more! Lesson plan templates; Math; Template; Numeracy; School; IB PYP Math Lesson Plan Template. Math Lesson Plans, Lesson Plan Templates, Math Lessons, Circle Time, Numeracy, Mathematics, Maths, Math. Find this Pin and more on Teaching and.

IB PYP The Latest Greatest Happenings in IB Learner Profile of the Month The IB Learner Profile Grade PK Units of Inquiry Who We Are Who We Are How We Express Ourselves Runaway Cookies How We Organize Ourselves Egg or No Egg! Egg or No Egg! How The World Works Grade K Units of Inquiry. Primary Years Programme IB Africa, Europe, Middle East The Hague, Netherlands. October 2011. Jennifer Giddings. PYP planner template on Google Docs.

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One of the biggest causes of learning tension I see with teachers new to inquiry or PYP, centers around planning for inquiry. There are lots of great blog posts about planning for inquiry: However, many of these posts focus on inquiry-based planning in a long-range and short-range sense. The question I get from many teachers I work with is: “What does inquiry-based planning look like from day to day?” I have noticed that many of the teachers new to inquiry and PYP at my school use their day plan templates from non-inquiry-based or non-PYP education systems. I wonder how much these day-to-day planning tools preclude teachers from achieving their goals of planning and teaching units in an inquiry-based, PYP way? Inspired by this question, I have been working on a mock-up of a potential PYP day plan template. I have tried to structure the day plan to include time for Unit of Inquiry, Stand-Alone Math Inquiry and Stand-Alone Literacy Inquiry.

Ib Myp Lesson Plan Template

Within each type of inquiry I have tried to include an explicit focus on the essential elements of the PYP, stages of the inquiry cycle, approaches to teaching, assessment and reflection. Here is my first draft: Here is an example of what it might look like once it is filled in: My hope is that by changing or adapting their planning tool, teachers will also change the way in which they plan – and consequently the way in which they teach. Building space on day plans for a guiding questions, elements of the PYP, stages of inquiry, approaches to teaching, assessment and reflection will hopefully make these components of inquiry-based, PYP teaching and learning more explicit in the minds of teachers when they are planning each day. If they are more explicit in the minds of teachers when they are planning, hopefully they will also become more explicit and transparent for the students as their learning. This is my first draft of a PYP-friendly day plan template and I would love to hear your thoughts, suggestions and feedback as well as see some other examples of day plan templates that support the unique needs of planning for inquiry in a PYP school.

Ib Pyp Lesson Plan Template