How To Install Mod Chip Ps2 Fat
This is a tutorial showing you how to mod a ps2 slim. Mod a Slim PS2 for Guitar Hero 2 without a mod chip. Start SwapMagic 3.6 on fat PS2. How to Make a PS2 Memory Card Mod Chip. PS2 used to require soldiering a mod chip to the PS2 motherboard, but now you can install a special 'exploit' to a PS2. PS2 Fat - A Step-By-Step Guide. Ps2 fat modding hdd compatibility with modchip and. Did you ever get your DMS4 S.E. Pro mod chip for ps2. Tutorial - How to softmod your fat PS2. Discussion in 'PS2' started by PR4NK573R, Feb 1, 2008. Page 1 of 3 1 2 3 Next >PR4NK573R Member. Joined: Feb 1, 2008 Messages: 36 Likes Received: 0 Trophy Points: 16. I've just stated in another thread that I might post a tutorial on softmodding fat PS2s. And after a few clicks around other threads I.
I have a question. I have an option for my second PS2. Disneyland Paris Rct2 Download Free. My first PS2 is a slim silver in color, 79001. This I plan to keep, it is non-hacked and my main PS2 for all my original games. I also have the option for a second PS2.
I first got a black slim, and then recentl got a fat. The seocnd slim is 75001, and the PS2 Fat is 5001/N. I only want to keep one of these, in addition to the silver slim 79001 I mentioned earlier.
The fat PS2 I was told it has only been memory card burned and it has freeMcBoot. I was able to play some burned games, original games, and even some SNES with Snes station that it has installed (awesome since I dont have a SNES).
The black slim 75001 does wierd noises when its on, but the noise level is similar to the other slim I have (but the 75 is a bit more noisy). The black slim has a chip but I am not sure what it is.
With this situation, should I keep the fat 50001 or black slim 75001? I would ideally want a PS2 that can play burned games(that I burn myself) as well as last a long time(reliable). Which should I keep based on this info? My instinct says that a chipped PS2's laser will grow tired faster. But at this point its really hard to say at what stages of their life these 2 PS2's are, I got both used. I know the fat has gone through at least another owner(I am the 3rd owner at least) and I have no info on the black slim. Any feedback is appreciated.