Close A Popup Window In Selenium Webdriver

Posted on by I have come across situations where I have to tackle with alert windows coming up on to my screen randomly i.e. When I am not sure of their occurring behavior. Thus, in this article, our major focus would remain on “How to close an alert window”. Lately, while developing a test script, I came across a situation where a certain line of a code called a.js file which resulted into a pop up. The pop had both “OK” and “Cancel” button. But the trouble was that by default sometimes Ok is was and the other times Cancel was selected and hence I wasn’t able to handle the alert using WebDriver’s very own switchTo() method.

How To Close A Pop-up Window

Video will tell you to handle Multiple Browser Windows and Pop Ups in. Hi, when i click a popup window will come and need to perform some action on that to handle that popup window using selenium web driver? Workplace Wellness Programs Statistics On Bullying.

Moreover the pop up came only sometimes and the other times the code ran successfully. You can face such situations anytime. I created a work around to deal with such situation. My workaround was to close the alert window whenever it appears. I used one of a java utility to do so. Thus with the help of Robot class, I closed the alert window by pressing the keyword keys.

Error Installing License Demo License Previously Installed. Robot class is a java based utility which simulates the keyboard and mouse interactions. The shortcut to close any opened window is: “Alt + Space +C” – Closes the focused window.

When you open a webpage, you may find a lot of popup windows. How to close those popups in selenium automation test script? You can achieve that by using Windows Handlers API in selenium webdriver. Below is the html code which will popup 2 web page when you use Firefox to load it. Save below html code in file C: WorkSpace Code src com dev2qa webdriver TestPopUpWebPageWindow.html Close Popup Web Page Example. --- /*Popup and show yahoo homepage.

How To Install Testdisk On Centos. */'/*Popup and show bing homepage. */' Two homepage will popup one for and the other for When you use Firefox to open above html page, you should enable Allow popup first if your Firefox prevent popup windows.