Advanced Checker Moves

Checkers: American We've got American. 50 moves without a capture (or kinging) is a draw; read. Basic movement is to move a checker one space diagonally forward. The free move. The stick-move. Giving your opponent a king. Attacking a wing. The sacrifice. Strong threats. He has worked with many successful young players who played in World and. European championships. Goedemoed is author of a Dutch draughts book.

Checker Strategies - by Derek Oldbury Whatever subject a person selects, he wants to learn the methods used by the leading exponents in that field. If you are an ambitious golfer you read about the strokes of the top-flight pros and listen to expert tips. In checkers, peculiarly, the novice has been neglected by the authorities despite an overabundance of literature dealing with the results of tournaments, matches, and other games played by adepts. Calatoria Crestinului Partea A 2 A. These books are supplemented with a follow-up of copious analysis in magazines and newspaper columns yet little or nothing is written explaining the principles and ideas that constitute the game's science in a manner suitable for the beginner. They all make the mistake of trying to bridge the gap between the first grade starter and the expert with a few generalities instead of giving concrete advice. Many excellent players attain their rank the hard way, learning the correct lines and the underlying principles without the schooling which would simplify the climb.

A few are fortunate to have the personal coaching of masters and are spared the trial-and-error method of learning, which is a poor one because it wastes time and effort and gives no assurance of quality. Beginners at checkers often imagine that the expert has some secret mathematical rule which solves every situation arising on the checker board.

This idea is false as the number of possible positions is virtually unlimited, and no one has ever mastered checkers to the point of infallibility. The exper's advantage lies in the systematic use of memorized play plus the ability to look ahead clearly, using definate principles, formation theories, and a knowledge of practical end-play. Memory is an important factor in advancement. Your native ability may be very good but the cards are stacked against you when the other fellow knows book play which is the massed accumulation of the great masters' learning. Buku Pengantar Filsafat Ilmu Pdf Converter. Knowledge is power in checkers.

King In Checkers Moves

If you know the correct moves in a position not even the champions can deny you. The player who spurns all book lore and relies on his own cross-board effort alone reminds one of the musician who plays by ear. Forcing your opponent's moves is one of the real secrets of winning checkers games. To apply forcing tactics it is necessary to know something about formations, traps and shots, problems on end-play, and to look forward with keen vision. In planning your game make use of the forcing principle in preference to playing a waiting game, hoping for a blunder. Mediocre players have that failing, trying to put over a 'sucker shot,' when they could easily force a win by correct position play. In some respects the game of checkers is similar to a war.

Ten Best Checker Moves